Sunkist Elementary School

This modernization of an elementary school in Anaheim created a unique, state-of-the-art campus for K-6 students.

Anaheim, CA
LPA Design
Anaheim Elementary School District

The Sunkist Elementary School Modernization and Reconstruction Project included both modernization and new construction of a K-6 elementary school. The first building, totaling approximately 17,500 square feet, is a new single-story, fully sprinklered building, which houses the multi-purpose room, stage, library, food service facilities and two classrooms. The second building is a new 41,800-square-foot two-story classroom building with administration offices. Additionally, two existing classroom buildings were modernized and combined, totaling approximately 23,000 square feet. The site work also included a new accessible parking lot, shade shelters, playfields, hardscape, landscape, fencing, underground utilities, path of travel and lighting.

• Coalition for Adequate Student Housing (CASH) and American Institute of Architects, California (AIA CA) Leroy F. Greene Design & Planning Award of Merit

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