Sally Ride Elementary School

This new elementary school was designed as the front door of an urban community under redevelopment.

Los Angeles, CA
Gkk Works (CannonDesign)

The new Sally Ride Elementary School is 52,500 square feet, serving approximately 650 students on two levels, and resides on a dense site of 2.7 acres. The program includes 27 classrooms serving kindergarten to fifth grade, administrative offices, a joint-use multipurpose space, food services and library. The outdoor playground design stems from a garden concept, allowing children the opportunity to play and experience nature in an existing harsh urban setting. The schools' library is strategically located on the sites' corner and anchors the two sides of the north and west classroom buildings. The campus meets sustainability goals by reaching 50 CHPS points. 100% of the storm water collects within on-site retention basins reused for irrigation of low water plant species. Rooftop equipment planning has allowed for 12,500 square feet of photo-voltaic solar cells, while energy consumption will be dramatically reduced by the 100% balanced daylighting in 65% of the program spaces.

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