Lincoln High School Comprehensive Modernization

The largest high school modernization in Pinner Construction's 100-year history.

Los Angeles, CA

The modernization of Lincoln High School includes new high-performance learning opportunities in state-of-the-art classrooms, specialty classrooms as well as many more programs. A new classroom building, performing arts building, maintenance and operations facilities, batting cages, and a field house building and extensive site improvements are also included. A voluntary seismic retrofit and modernization of the Administration, Home Economics and Gymnasium buildings will also be performed. When completed, the campus will also feature a new drop-off/main entrance, outdoor learning spaces, new parking lots, and sustainable landscaping. Our team takes great pride in playing a large role in creating a safe campus by addressing seismic vulnerabilities, upgrading site infrastructure and technologies, removing barriers for improved site accessibility and extensive site lighting, and upgrading campus security.

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